
Waly & Koskinen Attorneys Ltd. – General Terms and Conditions for assignments starting from 5.11.2019


Waly & Koskinen Attorneys Ltd. – General Terms and Conditions for assignments starting from 5.11.2019

This document contains the terms and conditions (”Terms”) with which Waly & Koskinen Attorneys Ltd. (”We”) provides legal services to Our customers, that is, to you (”You”). Since we appreciate our clients, We have made these Terms for You as clear as possible. If You have any questions concerning these Terms, We are happy to answer all of Your questions.


1 § An Assignment which is agreed with Our representative, or other employee, is considered entered into with Waly & Koskinen Attorneys Ltd. (business identity code 2805368-1) as the legal contracting party.


2 § We conduct ourselves according to Finnish law and We follow all applicable ethical guidelines.


3 § You give Us an assignment (“Assignment”), which consists of all agreed actions.


4 § Receipt of any Assignments is confirmed either orally or in writing.


5 § Our fees are charged according to Our Price List, unless other pricing has been agreed with You. Our applicable price list and minimum invoices (“Price List”) You can always find from our website www.wrlaki.fi/en/private-clients/ pricing and www.wrlaki.fi/en/corporate-clients/pricing and from the printed Price List available at Our premises. The grounds for Our fees are different for private persons and for corporate clients. All other clients besides natural persons are considered corporate clients in this respect. Expenses are invoiced according to our Price List in addition to fees themselves


6 § Any actions performed in carrying out Your Assignment are rounded up to nearest 20 minutes for each day. The minimum billable time is 20 minutes for each day.


7 § If a fixed fee has been agreed to Your Assignment, this fixed fee will always contain a maximum number of hours worked or a list of actions performed which are included with the fixed fee and these constraints will always be delivered to You along with Our offer for legal services. The maximum number of hours worked included in a fixed fee is the number of hours that we have estimated that will be sufficient for Your assignment. Should, for reasons We could not anticipate when receiving Your Assignment, Your Assignment require more than the included maximum number of hours worked to be carried out, We will notify You. The hours exceeding the hour limit set will be charged according to Our applicable Price List.


8 § Should We, while carrying out Your assignment, notice that furthering Your interests and protecting your rights would require further actions and expanding Your Assignment, We will suggest expanding Your Assignment. You will decide whether You want to expand your Assignment or not.


9 § We have taken a professional liability insurance policy which covers Your Assignments. Our policy is from LähiTapiola Pääkaupunkiseutu Keskinäinen Vakuutusyhtiö (business id 2647339-1) and the policy has a maximum indemnity of 1 000 000 euro.


10 § Our liability towards Our corporate clients is limited to our liability insurance policy’s maximum coverage. This term does not apply to natural persons.


11 § When receiving Your Assignment, We will always review Your eligibility for state-funded legal aid, coverage by legal expenses insurance, or other. We will inform You if these options are available to You.


12 § We reserve the right to charge you for any fees not reimbursed by the legal expense insurance for any reason, unless agreed otherwise. If Your Assignment is agreed to be carried out as state-funded legal aid, and the Assignment includes actions not covered by the state, charging these actions will be agreed separately.


13 § By agreeing to these Terms, You give us permission to use electronic correspondence (email) when managing Your assignment.