Corporate clients


Our pricing is either through hourly rates or fixed fees on a case by case basis. A fixed fee is available to corporate clients in most matters. As an agile law office, we strive to keep our hourly rates reasonable and see-through, and our invoices in fair relation to the added value you receive.

If your company has a legal expenses insurance, costs of a trial can be covered by the insurance company. We are available to assist you in all matters related to legal expenses insurances.

Review our general terms applicable to all our assignments here (only in Finnish).

Pricing for corporate clients

A price for corporate clients is always negotiated on a case by case basis, but below are the starting points for our pricing. A more detailed price list with minimum pricing is presented at our office premises.

  • All actions 310 €/h (VAT 0 %).
  • We negotiate an hourly rate with corporate clients within the above rate, depending on the size, difficulty, and schedule of the assignment, among others. We are happy to provide a fixed rate offer, if it is possible due to the nature of the assignment.
  • Lacking an agreement, the hourly rate invoices to corporate clients is 310 €/h (VAT 0 %).
  • Costs are invoiced separately.